The State of Obesity in Georgia

The State of Obesity, a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to both raising awareness about the obesity epidemic and promoting obesity prevention strategies, recently issued its annual report.  To results are […]

Smoke Free Air Savannah

Healthy Savannah implemented the ‘BreatheEasy Savannah’ campaign to pass Savannah’s Smoke-Free Air Ordinance in 2010. The City of Savannah is now a place where we can all work and play […]

Workplace Wellness

The office, a place known for business, quirky co-workers, and for having physical inactivity. No matter how you view white collar jobs, this issue affects a majority of Americans. The […]

Healthy Meeting Guidlines

Make your business functions and meetings more healthful with these tools. Of course we have our own too! Please print a copy for display in your workplace!  Healthy Savannah Healthy […]

The Dangers of Smoking

Smoking is responsible for the deaths of 443 thousand people per year, but still 42% of Americans participate in the dangerous habit. These people do not smoke each cigarette to […]

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