Organizations hold important health discussions

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) – Organizations in our area are making sure people have the information and resources to stay healthy.

Wednesday, Healthy Savannah and the African American Health Information and Resource Center hosted a discussion about the human papillomavirus or HPV virus and vaccine.

They hope that by educating people about the vaccine that it will prevent them getting other types of cancer that HPV can contribute to.

“The HPV vaccination equity initiative is an initiative we were awarded funding from creating health communities in early 2024. And the purpose of the HPV prevention area is to go out into black and brown communities specifically, to spread information about access, awareness, and understanding of the relationship between the HPV vaccination and cancer prevention,” said Dr. Elsie Smalls.

Healthy Savannah and YMCA Announce Funding and Support for Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplaces

In recognition of National Breastfeeding Month during August, local advocates invite organizations and businesses to pledge to support and provide breastfeeding-friendly spaces for employees...Read More

Being a Healthy Kid

Article Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Know the signs of child development. As your kids grow, they should reach milestones in how...Read More

Healthy Savannah and YMCA Build on Health Equity Successes in Savannah Area with $5.1M in Continued CDC Funding

Healthy Savannah and the YMCA of Coastal Georgia have been awarded $1,021,899 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the first year of a new five-year Racial...Read More

Tide To Town Success Story

Healthy Savannah and YMCA Encourage Savannah Stores to Provide Healthier Options at Checkout

In Chatham County, 17.6% of all residents are food insecure and 21.8% of children are food insecure, with the accessibility and affordability of healthy...Read More

Healthy Eating

Proper nutrition is essential in keeping current and future generations of Savannahians healthy across the lifespan. The availability of healthy, affordable food contributes to...Read More

Healthy Savannah begins initiative to encourage workplace lactation spaces

Healthy Savannah, formed in 2007, seeks to support a culture of health in the area by creating an environment that makes the healthy choice,...Read More

Maintaining a Healthy Household

  By Brittany Lightsey, MS, RD, LD Parents often come to my office defeated, tired, and overwhelmed. Feeding a busy household is a tough...Read More

Healthy Savannah Hosts Stakeholders’ Meeting, Reveals Importance of Healthy Food Access, Physical Activity Opportunities, and Community Resources

Savannahians want more community-based solutions that promote healthy food and physical activity where they live, work, and play. The findings of a year-long survey...Read More

Health, Wellness and Fitness in Savannah

Paris, France, will be buzzing with Olympic athletes this summer, but don’t worry about missing your shot at the podium. Here in Savannah, there...Read More

Healthy Savannah, YMCA of Coastal Georgia hosting “Nourish, Sustain and Thrive” events

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) – In recognition of National Breastfeeding Month in August, Healthy Savannah and the YMCA of Coastal Georgia are partnering on several...Read More

Donate with Amazon Smile

Healthy Savannah is part of Amazon Smile! With this new shopping platform 0.5% of the purchase price of your items can be donated to...Read More

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