Workplace Wellness

The office, a place known for business, quirky co-workers, and for having physical inactivity.   No matter how you view white collar jobs,  this issue affects a majority of Americans.

The point of an office is of course to get work done, but that doesn’t give employees and workers permission to stop trying to get active in their daily lives.  There are plenty of ways large and small in which office workers can increase their activity.


Employers set the tone in their offices. You laugh, everyone smiles; you frown everyone watches their backs.  You’re considered the commander in chief of your workspace.

In order for your employees to take the first steps in making their workplace a more active place, you need to set the example and take initiative.

A good way to start is to try to encourage workers to take the stairs instead of the elevator and try to park away from the building entrance.  Also, use more wireless technology so that employees can walk around the office without worrying about tripping over loose cords.  Walking has been known to give people a  positive outlook, which can create a more efficient workplace environment.

Try to create a partnership with a local gym so that your employees will get discount or a free membership.

Replace unhealthy snack machines filled with chips and sodas with healthy snack machines that sell water and granola bars.

Also, check out our Healthy Savannah Healthy Meeting Guidelines  to boost productivity and employee health!


There are activities that employees can do by themselves to create a more active workplace.

Instead of using a swivel chair, use an exercise ball this helps to better your posture as you work.  A wooden chair can also help you posture.

Place office supplies in less convenient places so that you will be forced to move around your office space.  try to walk around the office a little bit once an hour.  This will help your joints to not be so gridlocked from sitting in a chair for long hours.

If you’re able to eat, try to eat lunch outside.  It will allow for you to get some fresh air and Vitamin D.

Keep your computer an arms length away from you, having the computer too close can hurt  your vision.

Workplace Wellness in reality isn’t difficult to achieve.  To find out if your workspace is doing all it can to create an active environment, look at the Workplace Wellness Checklist.

Receta de Pancakes o Wafles

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Healthy Meetings

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A fresh start for Healthy Savannah; New Director shares goals for future

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Healthy Work

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Food Safety Recalls and Alerts

Receta de Pancakes o Wafles

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Healthy Meetings

Make your business functions and meetings more healthful with these tools. Of course we have our own too! Healthy Savannah Healthy Meeting Guidelines The...Read More

A fresh start for Healthy Savannah; New Director shares goals for future

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WSAV) – New year, new leadership, and a fresh focus on health! Healthy Savannah is stepping into 2025 with a brand-new executive...Read More

Healthy Walks celebrates three year anniversary

The pandemic was just starting when Healthy Savannah and the YMCA of Coastal Georgia launched a program to help people stay active and discover...Read More

Healthy Savannah and the YMCA to Celebrate Two-Year Milestone With Healthy Walk on Truman Linear Park Trail March 22

March 7, 2022 – What started as a simple way to get out of the house at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic is...Read More

East Savannah Community Transformation Plan

Healthy Savannah is leading an initiative to improve Health and Wellness in East Savannah based on a plan prepared in support of an application...Read More

Activity-Friendly Routes to Everyday Destinations Neighborhood Plans

Healthy Savannah and the Tide to Town team are working with neighborhood residents to develop “Activity-Friendly Routes to Everyday Destinations Neighborhood Plans” to help identify how...Read More

Healthy Savannah Calls on Chatham Co. to Weigh in on Nutrition and Food Insecurity

Healthy Savannah is scheduling three listening sessions to receive community input from residents of Garden City, Thunderbolt and Georgetown in helping redesign the Savannah-Chatham...Read More
