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Breastfeeding provides a variety of benefits to babies and mothers. The CDC reports that infants who are breastfed are less prone to develop conditions such as asthma, obesity, and type 1 diabetes, among others. 

Breastfeeding benefits mothers by lowering high blood pressure, reducing the risk of ovarian and breast cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Only 1 in 4 infants is breastfed by the time they are six months old. 

Healthy People 2030 breastfeeding objective is to raise the percentage of infants who are breastfed exclusively through 6 months of age from 24.9% to 42.4%.

Local Initiatives

Savannah H.O.P.E Photovoice Project

Photovoice is an initiative that utilizes the power of Photovoice as a platform for African American mothers in Chatham County to express and address the challenges they face. This project creates a space for sharing and discussing ideas aimed at overcoming the barriers prevalent in Chatham County.

Glow Lactation

In partnership with Healthy Savannah Reach Initiative, Glow Lactation Services, LLC plans to provide free basic breastfeeding classes to the community. In addition to breastfeeding classes moms will be provided with ongoing support through our peer to peer support group called “Glow Together”. Glow Lactation is here to help all the glowing mothers achieve their breastfeeding goals. We provide moms with individualized and outstanding service. We know the value of listening and through listening to your needs, we tailor an outcome just for you. 

Federal Laws


ZipMilk is a site that provides listings for breastfeeding resources sorted by ZIP Code. The Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition provides listings for breastfeeding resources as a community service. It is designed for use by consumers interested in getting help or support with breastfeeding and providers who want to give their clients access to such resources. These resources are not a substitute for medical advice.

Names and contact information are provided by the individuals and organizations listed in ZipMilk. These individuals and organizations are solely responsible for the content of their listings. All listings and credentials are verified by a site administrator every year. If you provide breastfeeding services, you may submit a listing. You may also make changes to your own listing (or request that it be deleted) by searching for it and clicking the appropriate link under your search result.

Please contact the Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition with questions or concerns at or visit our website at

ZipMilk is a project of the Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition, Inc., which owns the trademark for the name, and the copyright for all proprietary material related to the Zipmilk website.


Healthy Savannah encourages breastfeeding-friendly policies

Published: Feb 7, 2025, 11:07 AM Special to the Herald SAVANNAH — On any given day, more than a hundred coastal residents will walk through the doors of one of Gateway Community Service Board’s facilities serving eight coastal Georgia counties from Chatham to Camden. The community-based organization provides services for

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