Adult Immunization

Access to high-quality information, preventative care, and treatments for all are at the heart of health equity. In 2020, Healthy Savannah’s work concentrated on more access to, and awareness and acceptance of, flu and COVID-19 vaccines. In the next five years, we will broaden the scope to include the Pneumonia, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Shingles, and the Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. These vaccines will contribute to the health and well-being of African American and Hispanic people living in low-wealth areas in Chatham County.

I’m Grown! Why do adults need vaccinations?

After years of working to protect us from disease, our immune systems weaken as we age and are less able to resist certain viruses and bacteria. Adults with serious or chronic health conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and cancer, are at even greater risk.

Vaccines keep our immune system in shape to fight off infections. It’s important to keep our vaccines up to date to protect ourselves, our families, places of worship, coworkers, and our communities, especially as we get older.

All adults need:

  • COVID-19 vaccine every time it is updated
  • Influenza (flu) every year
  • And a tetanus shot, which either combines tetanus and diptheria (Td) or tetanus, diptheria and pertussis (Tdap).

Because of age, occupation, health condition and other factors, you may need additional vaccinations. Your doctor or pharmacists and the resources below can help.

What Vaccines Do I Need?

Click the link to take the Adult Vaccination Quiz:


One-Stop Adult Immunization Resource


Adult Vaccine Schedule:

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

In February 2024, Healthy Savannah was awarded a one-year Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination Equity Initiative grant to foster new and expanded community-driven solutions addressing factors that negatively impact access to cancer prevention interventions for disproportionately affected local populations.


COVID-19 made it clear that health equity matters, so Healthy Savannah responded by mobilizing existing community connections and resources.

Bridge Access Program

Free COVID-19 vaccines are available through this program for adults who lack health insurance or whose insurance doesn't cover all COVID-19 vaccine expenses. The program will be in operation until December 31, 2024.

Community Health Advocates

Healthy Savannah developed a network of Community Health Advocates who share messages to Black and Hispanic communities about access, awareness, and acceptance of the adult immunization such as the COVID-19 and flu vaccines as well as physical activty, nutrition, and lactation information.  As advocates they share accurate and up-to-date information that build better understanding of vaccine choices that are available and how to adress overall wellness. This will help our community make informed decisions about their health and the health of their loved ones.

RSV, or Respiratory Syncytial Virus

RSV is often associated with children but can cause serious illness in adults 60 and older. RSV is a common virus that affects the lungs. It can cause cold-like symptoms and can be spread through coughs, sneezes, direct contact with someone who has RSV, and by touching contaminated surfaces.


You can get shingles when the virus that causes chicken pox gets reactivated in your body. It triggers a painful skin rash, but you can’t get shingles from someone who has shingles. About one of every three adults in the United States who has had chicken pox will develop shingles. The chicken pox virus can stay dormant for years, but it can get reawakened as a person’s immune system weakens over time.
Click here to read about why you should get the Shingrix vaccine if you are 50 or older:


Pneumonia is a type of lung infection that can make people of any age mildly to severely sick. The most common kind of pneumonia is caused by bacteria and tends to be the most serious. The symptoms of bacterial pneumonia can come one gradually or suddenly. It can cause a dangerously high fever, heavy sweating, and rapid increase in breathing and heart rate. The lack of oxygen getting to parts of your body can turn your lips and nailbeds a bluish color if you have lighter skin, or a greyish or ashy color on darker skin. It can also make you confused or delirious. Smokers and people with underlying conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, are more likely to get pneumonia. Click below to read more about Pneumonia and the vaccine.

