Advocacy group concerned about food insecurity in Savannah wants new policies enacted

Armand Turner said there have been times in his life that he hasn’t had food on the table.

“I come from a background of low-income African-American population,” Turner said.

That’s why he decided to join the local advocacy group Healthy Savannah, which aims to create and enact new policies that will address food insecurity and equity. Turner is the deputy director of the group.

Turner said more than 35,000 people in Savannah live more than a mile away from the nearest grocery store. That means access to nutritious choices could be difficult for some. Things like transportation, affordability, and location can play a role.

Healthy Savannah and Chatham County Health Department Announce Jan. 23 Health Fair and Campaign to Increase Awareness of Cervical Cancer Prevention

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Tide To Town Success Story

Workplace Wellness

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WTOC: Advocates calling for improved access to healthy food options for Chatham County residents

See the story on WTOC

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Need a H.E.R.O? Catch a CAT!

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Healthy Savannah’s Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health grant-funded programs are addressing food insecurity issues

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A Time for Renewal

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Healthy Savannah’s Community Health Advocates Share Personal Stories in Promoting Awareness of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Equity to Prevent Certain Cancers

May 29, 2024 (SAVANNAH, GA) If you had the power to prevent certain cancers in your family members, would you? That’s the question Healthy Savannah is...Read More

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