Be informed: Change is coming to Savannah.

The City of Savannah recently published a New Zoning Ordinance (NewZO) for public comment. Through the NewZO, we can help communities work together and be stronger by expanding opportunities to be healthy. Zoning should support key community goals like walkability, affordability, and neighborhood stability through incremental development.

The NewZO is an important opportunity. Our current Zoning Ordinance is outdated and inefficient. A broad community effort over the last ten years resulted in the New Zoning Ordinance (NewZO). This ordinance needs to be adopted to move the community forward. Click here to read a summary of Healthy Savannah’s recommendations for the NewZO. Learn more on the city’s website And email [email protected] if you want to find out more.

Healthy Savannah Announces New Physical Activity Program Manager

October 30, 2024  Devin Frails joins Healthy Savannah’s and the YMCA of Coastal Georgia’s Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Team (Savannah,...Read More

Community joins Healthy Savannah to celebrate four years of Healthy Walks

On Tuesday, March 26, the public was invited to meet up with members of Healthy Savannah, the YMCA of Coastal Georgia and Friends of...Read More

Healthy Savannah Explores Equitable Changes At Six Neighborhood Parks

Healthy Savannah is working with Charles T. Brown’s Equitable Cities to take a closer look at how parks in several of Savannah’s priority neighborhoods...Read More

8 Dimensions of Wellness

  Wellness is the process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulling life. We utilize the 8 Dimensions of...Read More

Healthy Savannah Hosts Stakeholders’ Meeting, Reveals Importance of Healthy Food Access, Physical Activity Opportunities, and Community Resources

Savannahians want more community-based solutions that promote healthy food and physical activity where they live, work, and play. The findings of a year-long survey...Read More

A Time for Renewal

The New Year is beginning and many of us will use this time to choose a resolution or two to work on. Why not...Read More

Healthy Savannah launches new initiative to help tackle food apartheid

SAVANNAH, Ga, (WSAV) – A new initiative has launched in the hostess city, helping make healthy food options the easy choice to make in...Read More

Pancake or Waffle Recipe

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School Lunch vs. Home Lunch – How do you decide?

Juggling with the idea of school lunch or packing your child’s lunch? If your child’s school participates in the National School Lunch Program, school...Read More

The State of Obesity in Georgia

The State of Obesity, a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to both raising awareness about the obesity epidemic and promoting obesity prevention strategies, recently issued...Read More

Savannah Nonprofit Expands Victories with Voices for Healthy Kids Grants

Savannah, Georgia, with its centuries-old architecture and cobblestone-paved streets, is known for its rich history. And it’s that storied past that motivates some public...Read More

Healthy Savannah Holds First Meeting To Discuss Food Policy Council

Healthy Savannah is asking for your input on nutrition and food insecurity in the area. Tonight they held their first of several meetings to...Read More

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