The Faith and Health Coalition is a network of faith-based organizations, of all faiths, partnered with local health promoting agencies.

Vision Statement:

Every faith-based organization in Savannah is committed to healthy lifestyles. 

Mission Statement:

The coalition will provide support to Savannah’s faith-based organizations as they encourage a culture of health among their members and the community.

Faith, Activity, and Nutrition Training:

The Faith, Activity, and Nutrition Training (FAN) is a virtual, 8-week self-paced course tailored towards churches to begin discussing the importance of health and provide guidance to create a successful Health Ministry. The course is lead by the University of South Carolina on a virtual platform and modules are released weekly. If you are interested in learning more about how your church or faith-based organization can be involved in the Faith, Activity, and Nutrition training, please visit the University of South Carolina website or complete an interest form. If you have any questions about the program please contact Ruby Hallam or email the University of South Carolina directly.

Black Church Food Security Network:

“We are a network of black churches organized to advance health, wealth, and power for our people.” The Black Church Food Security Network works to “co-create sustainable food systems across the United States that are anchored by Black churches working in partnership with Black farmers and small business owners.” Find out more at the Black Church Food Security Network website.

Tool Kit:

The Live Healthy In Faith: A Faith Community Guide to Promoting Nutrition and Physical Activity is a toolkit produced by a devoted team in north-east Georgia to help communities bring health awareness and promotion into faith settings. 

Take The Faith and Health Coalition Survey 

To get engaged, please fill out the Faith and Healthy Coalition survey and please contact the Chair of this committee, Rhonda Barlow, at [email protected]. Healthy Savannah Logo

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